Clean Green Eating
Clean Green Eating
Our Story
Our Story
"Traysi and Tom have welcoming spirits and
a talent for making healthy food taste wonderful!"
- Reverend Blake Isaac, Director of Questhaven Retreat, San Marcos, CA

Our Story
Tom Bakken and Traysi Spring experimented for many years in their kitchen, to discover the food solutions that best supported them in feeling youthful and vibrant. They nick-named their experimental system “Clean Green Eating”, and it stuck.
Traysiah shares, "I can say, personally, that Clean Green Eating helped me to get my health back. I lost sixty pounds in six months, and I changed my type-two diabetes blood sugar levels back into normal blood sugar range. It also helped me to recover from an infected liver, that almost caused liver failure."
Tom tells us, "I experienced very clear changes in the way my prostate functioned. I went from having great difficulty and pain in that area, to having a pain-free, effortless flow, every day and night. I was amazed at the difference I felt, from simply changing my way of eating."
Traysi and Tom say, "The most surprising thing that we discovered, along the way, is that transitioning to a whole food, plant-based lifestyle is actually a joyful and delicious experience. It doesn’t have to feel like a sacrifice of giving up your favorite foods and suffering with only salads. No, on the contrary!"

"We found that it opened up a whole new world of fresh and flavorful possibilities, that we never even knew existed. And we learned that the simplest recipes and cooking methods, can create the most scrumptious and satisfying meals.
Out of our trials and triumphs in the kitchen, we stumbled on some practical steps and easy recipes, that helped us with our transition, and we hope they are helpful to you, as well.
We invite you to come along with us on a journey, to discover for yourself, the fresh, whole, plant foods that make your mouth water and put a bounce in your step."
"Tom and Traysi are the best of the best!
They are excellent teachers, speakers and even entertainers!"
- Debra Poneman, Best selling Author,
Global New Thought Leader, "Yes to Success" Seminars
Traysi & Tom
Traysi & Tom
Traysiah Spring and Tom Bakken, are award winning authors and international instructors, who are passionate about sharing practical ways to live a simple and conscious life.

They trained and worked with Dr. Deepak Chopra at the Chopra Center for Wellbeing, in San Diego California. They are both Certified Instructors in Meditation, Yoga and Ayurveda.
After many years of working at Dr. Chopra's center, they started a non-profit organization -
Adventures in Awakening Academy - https://adventures-in-awakening-academy.org/ - where they host an international online meditation community, as well as, offer a variety of online classes, including, Clean Green Eating, Ayurveda, E.F.T. and many other holistic modalities.
Traysiah came from a background of many years of meditation and working in natural healing modalities, such as Ayurveda, Vedic Astrology, Soul Coaching and the Emotional Freedom Technique. She studied Ayurvedic Wellness at Maharishi International University and has been going to the Optimum Health Institute for over 20 years.
Thomas has been a teacher for over 30 years, working with 'at risk' youth in a juvenile correctional facility. Tom has a Masters Degree in Special Education and is most proud of bringing meditation and healthy cooking practices to his students.
Together they love to explore conscious living practices and to share them with their global online community.